Os membros da European Issuers, grupo do qual a AEM faz parte, prepararam a Posição sobre “Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance”, no âmbito do estudo em curso sobre o tema, que se encontra a ser desenvolvido pela Comissão Europeia – DG JUST com o apoio de consultoria da Ernst&Young.
O Position Paper agora publicado, desafia alguns dos pressupostos principais do estudo, e designadamente os seguintes:
– “Company’s interest is interpreted narrowly and tends to favor the maximisation of shareholders’ value”
– “Companies lack a strategic perspective over sustainability and current practices fail to effectively identify and manage relevant sustainability risks and impacts”
– “Market communications and reporting practices create pressures to focus on the short-term financial performance of the companies”
– “Board remuneration structures incentivise the focus on short-term shareholder value rather than long-term value creation for the company”
– “The current board composition does not fully support a shift towards sustainability”
– “Current corporate governance frameworks and practices do not sufficiently voice the long-term interests of stakeholders”
– “Enforcement of directors’ duty to act in the long-term interest of company is limited”